Job Search - Candidates

Should You Apply for a Job Without the Required Experience?
18/04/2024 Bjoern "Andy" Mannsfeld, M.D. & Wrick Macaya Papa
Many job seekers confront a difficult decision between the fear of rejection and the potential for growth and progress. Let's discuss and weigh the pros and cons of applying for a job without the necessary experience.
EUCannaJobs' Guidelines for a Successful Job Interview
25/08/2023 Wrick Macaya Papa, EUCannaJobs
Recognizing the importance of interviews in the employment process, we are pleased to present detailed interview guidelines. These guidelines are intended to provide you with helpful insights and ideas for a successful job interview.
Cannabis Industry Jobs
01/12/2022 Bjoern "Andy" Mannsfeld, M.D.
The cannabis industry has the full range of jobs, just like any other industry, from entry-level to highly educated, from low-tech to high-tech, and from plant-touching to non-plant-touching.
EUCannaJobs | Europe
Hempathy Expo Poland 2024
Konopex Czech Republic 2024