11/03/2024  Johnny Green

Cannabis legalization in Germany will provide many benefits, including benefits to non-cannabis consumers. Arguably one of the most important benefits will be the savings to the nation’s criminal justice system, including Germany’s court system.

Enforcing prohibition policies that outlaw cannabis is often, if not always, extremely expensive. Every law enforcement position that is tasked with enforcing cannabis prohibition comes with a cost. The same is true for court proceedings to convict an individual of a cannabis offense, and in cases of jail time, that costs a considerable sum per offender as well.

Cannabis prohibition is particularly expensive in Germany.

According to a 2021 report from Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, Germany would save 1.05 billion euros annually by no longer enforcing cannabis prohibition, in addition to judiciary savings of 313 million euros per year. Imagine what those funds could do when applied to such things as education and infrastructure projects.


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