18/03/2024  BEN STEVENS

The Czech Republic’s anti-drug coordinator, Jindřich Vobořil, the driving force behind the country’s pioneering cannabis reform project, is understood to have prepared two separate versions of the bill, one with a fully regulated commercial market and one without.

These are expected to be submitted to the government in the coming weeks, leaving it up to the Czech government to determine which model it will pursue.

With its next-door neighbour and close trading partner Germany passing its own cannabis reform bill through the Bundestag last month, choosing not to pursue a full commercial market, some have suggested this could have paved the way for the Czech Republic to follow in its footsteps.

However, a new campaign group, Rational Regulation (RARE), formed by a number of the country’s leading cannabis voices, is hoping to persuade both politicians and the public that a commercial market is essential to meeting the bill’s stated goals of harm reduction.


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